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5.2.2 IP Header Validation

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5.2.2 IP Header Validation

5.2.2 IP Header Validation

Before a router can process any IP packet, it MUST perform a the following basic validity checks on the packet's IP header to ensure that the header is meaningful. If the packet fails any of the following tests, it MUST be silently discarded, and the error SHOULD be logged.

  1. The packet length reported by the Link Layer must be large enough to hold the minimum length legal IP datagram (20 bytes).

  2. The IP checksum must be correct.

  3. The IP version number must be 4. If the version number is not 4 then the packet may be another version of IP, such as IPng or ST-II.

  4. The IP header length field must be large enough to hold the minimum length legal IP datagram (20 bytes = 5 words).

  5. The IP total length field must be large enough to hold the IP datagram header, whose length is specified in the IP header length field.

A router MUST NOT have a configuration option that allows disabling any of these tests.

If the packet passes the second and third tests, the IP header length field is at least 4, and both the IP total length field and the packet length reported by the Link Layer are at least 16 then, despite the above rule, the router MAY respond with an ICMP Parameter Problem message, whose pointer points at the IP header length field (if it failed the fourth test) or the IP total length field (if it failed the fifth test). However, it still MUST discard the packet and still SHOULD log the error.

These rules (and this entire document) apply only to version 4 of the Internet Protocol. These rules should not be construed as prohibiting routers from supporting other versions of IP. Furthermore, if a router can truly classify a packet as being some other version of IP then it ought not treat that packet as an error packet within the context of this memo.


It is desirable for purposes of error reporting, though not always entirely possible, to determine why a header was invalid. There are four possible reasons:

It is probably desirable to perform the checks in the order listed, since we believe that this ordering is most likely to correctly categorize the cause of the error. For purposes of error reporting, it may also be desirable to check if a packet that fails these tests has an IP version number indicating IPng or ST-II; these should be handled according to their respective specifications.

Additionally, the router SHOULD verify that the packet length reported by the Link Layer is at least as large as the IP total length recorded in the packet's IP header. If it appears that the packet has been truncated, the packet MUST be discarded, the error SHOULD be logged, and the router SHOULD respond with an ICMP Parameter Problem message whose pointer points at the IP total length field.


Because any higher layer protocol that concerns itself with data corruption will detect truncation of the packet data when it reaches its final destination, it is not absolutely necessary for routers to perform the check suggested above to maintain protocol correctness. However, by making this check a router can simplify considerably the task of determining which hop in the path is truncating the packets. It will also reduce the expenditure of resources down-stream from the router in that down-stream systems will not need to deal with the packet.

Finally, if the destination address in the IP header is not one of the addresses of the router, the router SHOULD verify that the packet does not contain a Strict Source and Record Route option. If a packet fails this test (if it contains a strict source route option), the router SHOULD log the error and SHOULD respond with an ICMP Parameter Problem error with the pointer pointing at the offending packet's IP destination address.


Some people might suggest that the router should respond with a Bad Source Route message instead of a Parameter Problem message. However, when a packet fails this test, it usually indicates a protocol error by the previous hop router, whereas Bad Source Route would suggest that the source host had requested a nonexistent or broken path through the network.

Next: 5.2.3 Local Delivery Decision

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
5.2.2 IP Header Validation