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A.8 Estimating the Interarrival Jitter

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A.8 Estimating the Interarrival Jitter

A.8 Estimating the Interarrival Jitter

The code fragments below implement the algorithm given in Section 6.3.1 for calculating an estimate of the statistical variance of the RTP data interarrival time to be inserted in the interarrival jitter field of reception reports. The inputs are r->ts , the timestamp from the incoming packet, and arrival , the current time in the same units. Here s points to state for the source; s->transit holds the relative transit time for the previous packet, and s->jitter holds the estimated jitter. The jitter field of the reception report is measured in timestamp units and expressed as an unsigned integer, but the jitter estimate is kept in a floating point. As each data packet arrives, the jitter estimate is updated:

       int transit = arrival - r->ts;
       int d = transit - s->transit;
       s->transit = transit;
       if (d < 0) d = -d;
       s->jitter += (1./16.) * ((double)d - s->jitter);

When a reception report block (to which rr points) is generated for this member, the current jitter estimate is returned:

       rr->jitter = (u_int32) s->jitter;

Alternatively, the jitter estimate can be kept as an integer, but scaled to reduce round-off error. The calculation is the same except for the last line:

       s->jitter += d - ((s->jitter + 8) >> 4);

In this case, the estimate is sampled for the reception report as:

       rr->jitter = s->jitter >> 4;

Next: B. Security Considerations

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
A.8 Estimating the Interarrival Jitter