Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
4.6. Table Captions

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4.6. Table Captions

4.6. Table Captions

   <!ELEMENT caption - - (%text;)+>

   <!ENTITY % Caption "(top|bottom|left|right)">

   <!ATTLIST caption                  -- table caption --
           %attrs;                    -- id, lang, dir and class --
           align   %Caption; #IMPLIED -- relative to table --

The optional CAPTION element is used to provide a caption for the table. Both start and end tags are required.

See earlier description of common attributes.

This may be used to control the placement of captions relative to the table. When present, the ALIGN attribute should have one of the values: TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT and RIGHT. It is recommended that the caption is made to fit within the width or height of the table as appropriate. The default position of the caption is deliberately unspecified.

Note the ALIGN attribute is overused in HTML, but is retained here for compatibility with currently deployed browsers.

Next: 4.7. The COLGROUP Element

Connected: An Internet Encyclopedia
4.6. Table Captions