These two "Alfred Neuman" examples have identical semantics, as far as the operation of the local host's mail sending (distribution) program (also sometimes called its "mailer") and the remote host's mail protocol server are concerned. In the first example, the "Alfred Neuman" is ignored by the mailer, as "Neuman@BBN-TENEXA" completely specifies the recipient. The second example contains no superfluous information, and, again, "Neuman@BBN-TENEXA" is the intended recipient.
This form might be used to indicate that a single mailbox is shared by several users. The quoted string is ignored by the originating host's mailer, because "Shared@Group.Arpanet" completely specifies the destination mailbox.
The "(the Stilt)" is a comment, which is NOT included in the destination mailbox address handed to the originating system's mailer. The local-part of the address is the string "Wilt.Chamberlain", with NO space between the first and second words.
Gourmets: Pompous Person <WhoZiWhatZit@Cordon-Bleu>, Childs@WGBH.Boston, Galloping Gourmet@ ANT.Down-Under (Australian National Television), Cheapie@Discount-Liquors;, Cruisers: Port@Portugal, Jones@SEA;, Another@Somewhere.SomeOrg
This group list example points out the use of comments and the mixing of addresses and groups.