This course is fairly new and quite incomplete. There are few problems and exercises, graphics are sparse, and nobody has really tested it. It may very confuse more people than it enlightens - if so, send me your honest criticism and suggestions for improvement.
The format is simple. Each Web page in the course contains a reading selection. After completing the reading, just click on the Next: link at the bottom of the page. Some of the pages will have hyperlinks leading elsewhere. In general, I suggest that you do not follow them your first time through, simply because there are so many. Of course, let your own interest and curiosity be the final guide.
If you come across something that you don't understand, please email me at I read (if not answer) all my email, and also post some of the questions and answers in the Encyclopedia FAQ.
At any point, you can bookmark your location, take a break, and come back later. There is no time limit, no standardized test, and isn't going away anytime soon.
Ready to start? Great! Just click on the link for Section 1...